Works to remove large poplar trees in Aldershot.
The trees were over 40′ tall (the MEWP is 30m high)!
All timber had to be extracted through a small entrance with great care.
Some of the trees were hanging over an SSSI canal, which added to the complexity.
Clearing of dense scrub at Blandford Camp (contd)
Further pictures of the fence clearing project and clearing of dense scrub at Blandford Camp. A new stock fence is to be erected to allow grazing of cattle on Monkton Down SSSI, to control scrub and aid chalk grassland. The old fence has been removed for recycling.
With Mark mulching some larger thorn bushes
Clearing of dense scrub at Blandford Camp
Willow pollarding Patney, near Devizes
Pollarding is a method of pruning that keeps trees and shrubs smaller than they would naturally grow.
The image shows Tom putting the finishing touches to a large willow Pollard on an SSSI clearance project.
Sites of special scientific interest (SSSIs) are protected by law to conserve their wildlife or geology.
Natural England can identify land you own or occupy as an SSSI – this is called being designated.
Check out the website to see how you are affected. Link here.
And for details of all our tree surgery capabilities please see our page here