Tree planting scheme Southstoke near Bath February 2024

It’s not all about felling trees!  this week Tad and the team completed a new planting scheme on the edge of Bath.

The project was for 1.16ha (= 11600 (m2) with 1344 trees in 1.2m tubes.

The trees included mixed broadleaves including oak & beech, as well as field maple, wild service and hazel.

If the wild service tree isn’t as familiar to you as the others, then ” it’s a deciduous broadleaf which can reach 25m when mature.

(Sorbus torminalis) – the bark is brown and patterned with cracked, square plates, and the twigs are slender, shiny, grey-brown and straight”.

See the Woodland Trust website for more details

150m native hedging and 500 new trees planted in Lavington

Not only pruning and removing trees but planting as well!
100m of new, native hedging planted by Tad by hand yesterday in Easterton, near Devizes.
The planting mix was 80% hawthorn with the remainder made up of spindle, dog rose and hazel – no blackthorn as there will be horses in the field in the future.
Hawthorn in hedging has a lot of great seasonal features including haws, hips, nuts, flowers and sloes, so white flowers in the spring. And then the berries and nuts will attract a diverse range of wildlife.
Update Dec 2020: The 100m continued to 150m of the new native hedging, as well as 500 new trees – a mixture of oak, beech, rowan, spindle and cherry.  As with the hedging, all the trees were planted by Tad by hand.  

The field was purchased in addition to the house and the owners wanted to create a woodland in years to come.  The trees were part-funded by The Woodland Trust.