Mulching Scrub for the National Trust on Cley Hill, Warminster Oct 2022

Ben has been helping us with his roboflail on Cley Hill this week mulching scrub for the National Trust.  It’s a lot steeper than it looks!

We were helping to reduce the areas of scrub and bramble that were starting to get established on the steep areas and smother out the grassland.  We spent 2 days mulching agreed areas to let the grass re-establish itself.


Clearing of dense scrub at Blandford Camp (contd)

Further pictures of the fence clearing project and clearing of dense scrub at Blandford Camp.  A new stock fence is to be erected to allow grazing of cattle on Monkton Down SSSI, to control scrub and aid chalk grassland.  The old fence has been removed for recycling.

With Mark mulching some larger thorn bushes

Clearing of dense scrub at Blandford Camp
clearing of dense scrubland



Clearing of dense scrub at Blandford Camp
Clearing of dense scrub at Blandford Camp
Clearing of dense scrub at Blandford Camp

40 ha of scrub clearance underway for chalk grassland near Imber on Salisbury Plain

We’re using our Dymax tree shear to cut hawthorn and blackthorn.

And, once it’s cut, you have to get it collected up and burnt – so we’re making progress…


As you can see, there was plenty to burn.