It was nice to see the sunshine yesterday; Tad was out with the robo flail overlooking Bath, to clear some large bramble.
7th Feb 2025
The new flail collector working on wildflower meadows to clear old vegetation and prevent nutrient buildup.
Works were delayed until ground conditions had dried up a bit! The flail makes light work of the vegetation.
This project is part of a programme to control Hemlock, which will be treated next spring to prevent re-growth.
From The Wildlife Trusts website: “A poisonous plant, hemlock has a repellent smell when its leaves are crushed, helping to ensure that accidental poisonings don’t occur very often – even livestock studiously avoid it. This biennial plant prefers damp places and can grow in huge colonies on waste ground, riverbanks and ditches, but can also be seen along roadside verges. It produces umbels (umbrella-like clusters) of white flowers in June and July”.
Pic of the week goes to Tad with the new Robo Flail working around a quarry on the Mendip Hills in the sunshine.
13th September 2024
See here for more info about our ROBOCUT
Our new Roboflail is able to control scrub, weeds and vegetation in a wide range of terrain, with the ability to cut up to 100mm diameter material on slopes up to 50 degrees, safely and efficiently.
And below are a couple of banks where we used the ROBOCUT to clear snowberry near Swindon. If you think the Robo flail can help, we are happy to come along and give a short demo.
. More info on the ROBOCUT here.
As part of ongoing woodland management areas are mulched on a 4 year rotation to help with insect and butterfly habitats
Right of Way cutting back – the brief was to cut back an overgrown Byway for WCC high up on the Pewsey Downs which had become overgrown and only passable by foot or motorbikes
The flail made short work of the dense thorn.
For more info on our vegetation management/mulching, please click here.
Ben has been helping us with his roboflail on Cley Hill this week mulching scrub for the National Trust. It’s a lot steeper than it looks!
We were helping to reduce the areas of scrub and bramble that were starting to get established on the steep areas and smother out the grassland. We spent 2 days mulching agreed areas to let the grass re-establish itself.