Tree Surveys

Tree Surveys with our own App developed with KaarbonTech

We have developed an App with KaarbonTech which allows us to plot and report on individual trees directly onto a downloaded map from the registry. This gives us a much more professional and accurate tree survey report to BS standards to which our clients can have access. We're using a Samsung Tablet with GPS to download. So, if you need a precise report for insurance, tree surveys, reporting, Health & Safety or for any other reason, just get in touch.

Where necessary for further investigation, we can arrange for a Picus Sonic Tomograph survey to be carried out.

The Picus Sonic Tomograph is made by a German company called Argus-Electronic-GmbH. It is a specialised electronic instrument which can 'look' internally into a branch or tree trunk and display a computer-generated image of its condition. It achieves this by measuring the speed that sound travels through the wood in a number of different positions and directions. Sound travels fastest through solid wood. Decayed wood will slow its path. By measuring the speed that sound takes to pass through a tree, an idea of its condition can be obtained.

And you can see how important it is to be able to see inside a tree in this case study.

Resistography is a complementary technique to the PICUS system in which the resistance met by turning a microdrill bit is measured as an indication of wood quality. As the drill moves forward through the wood, it may encounter different degrees of resistance, depending on wood density. These differences are highlighted on a line graph and interpreted to provide an assessment of the ratio of sound wood to decayed wood. Good quality wood produces high resistance, whilst decayed wood low or nil resistance.

“I particularly value the personal contact with William Warden. Being able to speak to the right person who is then able to implement our requirements without me needing to speak to a dozen different people is very beneficial and time saving.  The remedial work carried out by his team is first-class. 

William’s attention to detail is excellent and the fact that he responds quickly and efficiently are also key factors in our satisfaction with Conservation Contractors.   We thoroughly recommend them”.

Estates Director of one of the major Care Home operators, following the acquisition of a number of new care homes.

Tree Survey plotting example

As an example, this shows the plotting:

Tree plotting report as part of tree survey

And this shows an example of the findings. You will see that where work is recommended, an estimate of time is automatically included.

Print off a PDF here

Conservation Contractors can provide owners with tree survey data specific to your requirements and produce specifications for any immediate or long-term management work required.

Detailed tree survey reports are often required for

  • mortgage lenders and purchasers prior to completion
  • trees that are implicated in third party damages or personal injury
  • trees that are implicated in subsidence

Details of a PICUS survey and dismantle of a Holm Oak in Westbury

Tree Risk Assessment Inspections

We undertake Tree Risk Assessment Inspections to examine in greater detail trees and woodland to

  • identify hazardous defects
  • identify visible ash die back
  • assess risks and to
  • prescribe remedial action before tree surgery can take place.

Trees and woodland provide habitat for a wide range of plants, animals & insects, most of which are harmless to trees whilst others may affect their health and longevity. In most cases these organisms live symbiotically with the trees and are very desirable.

However, in urban environments, the injury caused by some animals, plants and micro-organisms may result in the tree becoming a safety hazard and so needing risk assessment and the services of a tree surgeon. Damage involving wood decay and loss of wood strength may require immediate action to avoid potentially dangerous situations.

Other events, both natural and man-made, such as the application of road de-icing salt, trenching, drought and wind may also cause stress and physical damage and can contribute to a decline in the health of a tree of wooded area.

The tree owner is normally responsible for any damage caused by falling trees or branches and the courts have adopted the principle that trees should be inspected at regular intervals and expert advice sought if necessary.

Here's the link to the Arborcultural Association's website to their "Guide to Trees and the Law" (PDF)

Aviva have a useful insurance guideline entitled "Loss Prevention Standards for Hazardous Trees"

We can inspect trees for signs of decay or structural weakness, assess the risk and danger and prepare a report recommending proper action. If required, tree surgery can also be arranged and supervised as a complete package.  We can also undertake visual tree inspections.

Details of other work involving tree risk assessment can be found on our news page here

Planned Tree Management

The life-span of trees generally far surpasses those of the care-givers, and a tree’s needs can vary throughout its life. The management requirements of an individual tree or a wooded area can change with time as trees get older or the use of the surrounding land alters.

Planned tree management, all through a tree’s life right into maturity is important, particularly when a significant amount of money has already gone into its planting and maintenance. Details such as tree species, tree form and tree condition, collated during tree survey work, can provide the basis for good management decisions and future work. The individual needs of each tree can be identified and an overall landscape management strategy put into place.

We are also able to assess safety issues during a tree survey to ensure you are meeting the statutory legal requirements of tree owners as part of your land management. This can help reduce risk to people and property, and any future liability you may have if your tree causes what could have been considered "foreseeable damage".  A typical example would be the use of “BS 5837: Trees in Relation to Construction” on potential development sites, in order to integrate development.

Details of other work involving planned tree management can be found on our news page here

If you would like a no nonsense quotation for a woodland or planned management survey, get in touch with:

Director/ARB Manager, Dan Butler, on 07881 788 399 or email

Where common sense is still common

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