Security Fencing in Sturminster Marshall, Dorset

We tendered for the supply and erection of 200m of security fencing in Sturminster Marshall, Dorset around a new Wessex Water Compound towards the end of last year and were awarded the contract.

The fence needed to be 2.1m high with several gates constructed of galvanised 358 “prison” mesh which was then powder coated in green to satisfy planners.

The work was started and completed in March 2017.

Security Fencing in Sturminster Marshall, Dorset Security Fencing in Sturminster Marshall, Dorset Security Fencing in Sturminster Marshall, DorsetSecurity Fencing in Sturminster Marshall, Dorset Security Fencing in Sturminster Marshall, Dorset






Security Fencing in Sturminster Marshall, Dorset

Security Fencing in Sturminster Marshall, Dorset

Reduction of Oak Trees in Ludwell, near Shaftesbury

Reduction of Oak Trees in Ludwell, near Shaftesbury – 2 very tired climbers this week!

We reduced five large 25m oaks overhanging public space on a main WCC highway. One of the limbs had fallen so urgent reduction needed.

Ludwell comes within Cranborne Chase and West Wiltshire Downs area of outstanding beauty.

For details of all our tree surgery work please see our page here.

Reduction of Oak Trees in Ludwell, near Shaftesbury Reduction of Oak Trees in Ludwell, near Shaftesbury Reduction of Oak Trees in Ludwell, near Shaftesbury Reduction of Oak Trees in Ludwell, near Shaftesbury Reduction of Oak Trees in Ludwell, near Shaftesbury Reduction of Oak Trees in Ludwell, near Shaftesbury

Pollarding a hornbeam in Burbage

Rich, Matt and Geoff have been busy pollarding a hornbeam in Burbage, in the Vale of Pewsey.
Pollarding is a pruning system in which the upper branches of a tree are removed, promoting a dense head of foliage and branches. It has been common in Europe since medieval times and is practised today in urban areas worldwide, primarily to maintain trees at a predetermined height.

Pollarding a hornbeam in Burbage Pollarding a hornbeam in Burbage Pollarding a hornbeam in Burbage